Automatic Gate Openers

If you choose to have an automatic gate installed on your property you have to think about entry accessories and the kind you want.  There are different types of gate openers, and with advancing technology, there are even ways to open gates with your phone.  Learn about the different gate openers in the article below and decide what would work best for you.

Electric Gate Openers: Remote vs Keypad

Electronic gate openers are a common convenience in gated households. With the help of electric technology and hydraulics an electric gate opener is a luxury thing to have. Nowadays there are various types of electronic gate openers and can also be found with solar power energy. As mentioned before at this day and age there are a lot of models and complex technologies you can choose from. Some examples of which are motion sensors, light sensor, infrared, bump sensor, remote, keypad and even using your own mobile phone to open your garage or gate. In this article we will focus on two main types of open devices, a remote and a keypad.


This is the most traditional and most common electronic gate opener device used. Obviously with the advancement of technology, remotes have come a long way and improved a lot. Still very much in use, are the push button remote controllers, that is, the battery operated type where there is only two buttons, or in some cases, even one in some cases, being the open and close button. The latter are the most common of remote electronic gate openers.

Radio Frequency or Bluetooth

One type of remote can either work on radio frequencies or on Bluetooth. Today the majority of remotes work on Bluetooth, especially if they don’t need an extensive amount of distance but require a rapid clear response.


Another method is infrared. Infrared technology is quiet cheap to build and can last a long time. The down side of infrared technology is that you have to point the remote (which is the transmitter) directly or approximately in line with the receiver which is normally found at the bottom or at the side of the automatic gate.


Today’s remote transmitters are very much secure because they have a strict algorithmic procedure of radio or Bluetooth frequency, so there shouldn’t be any fear regarding security. But that being said, it is always advisable to ask the person you bought it from to ensure peace of mind.


An alternative way to open your electric gate or door is by making use of a keypad. When selecting a keypad controlled electronic gate opener you have to keep in mind what type of motor you have installed on your gate or garage door.


A keypad is very secure because it uses a digit password, normally from 3 to 6 digits, to open the gate. It can easily be changed from time to time for more security and there is no risk of loosing your gate opener and risk end up being unable to enter your own home. The more sophisticated and expensive the equipment is, the more secure it will be since it can easily be connected to an alarm.

As you can see there are advantages and disadvantages to whatever technology you choose, but remember that you have to select the most appropriate system for your lifestyle. A keypad is ideal when you need to go out of the house but don’t want to carry a key.

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