Fixing Wobbly Fence Posts

Does part of your fence need reinforcement until the whole thing is
ready to be replaced?  Do you need to make sure your pet doesn’t escape
or someone doesn’t get hurt?  You can reinforce your fence posts easily
if you follow the suggestions in this article.  After getting together
your materials, you can be your own handy man!  Continue reading below
for directions.

Reinforcing a Weak Fence Post

SF Gate Home Guides

A wobbly fence post is an accident waiting to happen. Whether children climb on the fence, fall off and get hurt or your dog lunges at the fence and makes an impromptu escape due to the weak point, it’s trouble. Because reinforcing a weak fence post isn’t a difficult task, take quick action to repair it as soon as you discover it and prevent a possible catastrophe.


Before you can reinforce a weak fence post, it’s crucial that you assess the amount of damage that lies below the surface. Wiggle the post with your hand to determine whether it seems to be intact from top to bottom. Wood fence posts may decay and metal ones may rust. Shine a flashlight into the hole surrounding the post to see if it is still in one piece. If necessary, dig away a small amount of the surrounding soil to increase your view of the post for further assessment. Check nearby posts to determine if they need reinforcement too.


Fortunately, the materials required to reinforce a fence post, whether wood, vinyl, steel or aluminum, are minimal. A bag of rapid-set cement mix, gravel, a gallon of water, a shovel, a spirit level and a rubber mallet are sufficient equipment to get the job done. Wear old clothes to reinforce the fence post, particularly when working with cement mix. Add a pair of heavy work gloves to the ensemble, especially if you’re working with a wooden post that may cause splinters.


To begin reinforcing the post, dig a few inches of soil away from it around the perimeter. Fill the hole with approximately 6 inches of gravel. Top the gravel with rapid-set cement mix powder to fill the hole to 3 inches below the surface of the soil. Use the rubber mallet to pound the fence post into place and place the spirit level on top of the post to ensure that it’s level vertically. Add water to the cement mix that is already in the ground. One gallon per 50-pound bag is a good rule of thumb. Because you’ll probably use less than a whole bag, decrease the amount of water accordingly. For example, if you’ve used 25 pounds of mix, decrease the water to a half gallon. Wait 30 to 40 minutes for the mix to set into concrete.


Once you’ve set the fence post in gravel and concrete, chances are it won’t require your attention for a long time. However, that doesn’t mean all the fence posts are equally secure. Periodically walk the fence line to inspect your entire fence for damage. Check each post to ensure it’s secure by applying pressure to the post to see whether it shifts or gives way. If you find a loose post, repeat the procedure for reinforcing a fence post to secure it as well.