Giving Your Wood Fence New Life

A wood fence provides a great look for your landscaping, as well as for the privacy you want for your yard. Natural wood can enhance the look of your home and boost its value and curb appeal. However, this type of fence can often become damaged or show visible signs of wear and tear over time, making it much less attractive. The good news is there are several ways you can give your wood fence new life.

Replace Rotted or Damaged Pieces

If your fence is older or it wasn’t properly protected when it was first installed, you will need to replace rotted or damaged pieces. The good news is this doesn’t mean you have to completely replace the entire fence. Instead, you can limit replacements only to those areas that have been damaged. However, you may need to repaint or restain the entire fence in order to ensure everything looks the same and the replaced sections don’t stand out from the rest.

Protect Your Fence

You need to propertly protect your fence if you want it to stand up to the elements. This includes purchasing treated wood fencing pieces that are designed to hold up to whatever Mother Nature may throw its way. Painting or staining your fence can also go a long way toward giving your fence a new lease on life. If the fence isn’t damaged in any way, a simple new coat of paint or stain can make it look like new and give your landscaping the boost it needs.

Inspect Your Fence Regularly

Damages to your wood fence take place over time. The earlier you are able to detect a problem, the easier and less expensive it will be to fix. However, many of these problems can’t be identified simply by walking by your fence every day. Instead, you should conduct a thorough evaluation of your fence at least once a month. Some things to look for include loose boards, peeling paint, chipped paint, missing boards, wet areas, termite damage and other types of damage. Be sure to pay close attention to the underside of boards, the posts and the part of the fence closest to the ground. This will allow you to make any necessary repairs quickly, minimizing the expenses of taking care of your fence.

Perform Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is one of the best ways to keep your fence looking great and ensure there’s less damage over time. Sealing and painting your fence properly can make a world of difference in the amount of damage you’ll have to deal with on a regular basis. The better you take care of your fence before problems arise, the less expensive it will be and the more you can enjoy spending time in your yard.

Keeping your wood fence looking great is important to protect the value of your home and ensure the fence does what it’s meant to do. While regular maintenance will protect your fence from long-term damage, if damage does occur over time, it’s essential to take care of it as quickly as possible to minimize further damage and keep your costs lower by avoiding the need to replace your fence, either in part or entirely.